Sunday, March 13, 2011

Adventure in Inverness!

Well Hello!! Sorry for the lack of posts in the past couple of weeks. Basically I have been going to class, reading, hanging with friends and working out (go me!). Last week we payed for train tickets for a trip to Inverness on Saturday. So yesterday myself and 7 other Americans pulled ourselves out of bed at the crack of dawn to catch a taxi at 6:40 that took us to the train station. Our train left at 7:30 and we arrived in Inverness at around 10:30, we all pretty much slept and ate on the way there. We could not have picked a worse day to go :( the weather was terrible! It was about 36 degrees and snowing/raining. Good thing we all had rain coats and warm clothes or we might have died haha. We payed for a tour on Loch Ness and man was it a disappointment. We took a bus from Inverness to the loch were we got a tour boat which took us to the castle on Loch Ness. It was snowing so we could only see like 30 feet in front of the boat. We all went to the top of the boat lit up some cigars and stood there in the freezing snow on Loch Ness laughing our heads off. I guess you have to have that  attitude, you can never count on the weather ESPECIALLY in Scotland its so bi-polar. haha. Oh well life goes on and it was quit the experience. I didn't end up taking a lot of pictures because we tried not to spend much time outside and i didn't want my camera to get ruined by the rain/snow. My picture taking techniques pretty much involved me snapping as many pictures as I could while running to the nearest indoor facility haha. Other than the tour we walked around downtown Inverness, shopped and went to a pub where we warmed our bellies with cheep beer. Our train left at 8pm to Stirling and we returned at 11, took a bus back and craaaashed. I'm pretty sure we all woke up this morning with a wee bit of a cold, my throat kills, thanks Nessy :P

The next two weeks involve me cranking out three papers and a presentation that are all due the week after Spring Break (of course). On a positive note I cannot WAIT till spring break, I never thought I would be going to Spain so it will be quit the adventure. Also my friends and I planned a trip to Portugal for Easter weekend. I would have never had the change to go to Portugal if i were not here. We are flying into Faro and spending the night there and then taking a train to Lisbon. Then on Monday we are flying back out of Faro. Here are some pictures of where we will be:

Yeah so needless to say I'm pretty excited to be going to Portugal! Even though none of use speak a word of Portuguese hahaha

Here are some pictures from Inverness and the past couple of weeks:
Rachel, me and Brenna :)
On the boat
Kevin and the British flag on Loch Ness
The castle, which is more like ruins because it was blown up in the 14th century
didn't it look like a lovely day?
Me roughing it outside 

Well that's all for now! Its St Patties day on Thursday and I will defiantly be blogging about my experience here in Scotland celebrating the holiday :P

Peace and love 

1 comment:

  1. Keep Drinking and Breathing it all in Kidski. I couldn't be happier for you and your adventures....!!
